Over the past 10 years, we have confidently honed our strategies to provide the highest quality experience for both our clients and candidates throughout the hiring process. So, when we were asked to support one of our clients with a campus recruitment pilot program, we jumped at the opportunity! Using these tried and tested strategies to help young people start their careers with one of the largest companies in the world is both an honor and a privilege.
We officially launched our pilot program in August, and it’s been a whirlwind so far! Keep reading to learn more about what we’ve been up to:
We had the amazing opportunity to meet students in person on campus at the University of Illinois business school. We spent an afternoon meeting with hundreds of students, and were accompanied by a recently graduated manager trainee from our client! Being able to connect with students in person after all the social distancing of the last 20+ months was invigorating, and we look forward to the opportunity to do so again soon.
Florida A&M University has been a gracious host so far this year! We’ve been able to host and participate in multiple events so far, including an information session, the School of Business and Industry’s Employer Showcase, and a tabling event. We are so excited about the success of these events and the candidates we’ve been able to engage with, and look forward to continuing this trajectory in the spring.
This is just the beginning of our program, so we are excited to see what comes next! We are actively planning for more workshops and coffee chats, and we’re open to sponsorship as well.
If you are interested in organizing a workshop for your student organization, please reach out to Ryan Reisner at ryan@thereisnergroup.com.